

Ethiopia to host Africa Investment Forum

The capital of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, is set to host a significant continental investment forum early next month. Reports indicate that already about 150 international and 140 local companies have confirmed their participation. Addisu Tekle, the head of the communications Read more ›

Dubai to Host Somalia’s Second Investment Summit

Dubai is set to host Somalia’s Second Investment Summit (SIS) scheduled for April 6th-7th 2014. According to reports, Somalia Economic Forum will host this year’s event, which is expected to highlight the abundant opportunities and exciting possibility of rebuilding Somalia. The Read more ›

Djibouti Signs Trade and Economic Deal with China

The governments of China and Djibouti have entered into another trade and economic agreement, which is expected to further strengthen the bilateral relationship between the two nations. With this deal signed on January 15th, the Chinese administration will invest up Read more ›